link to Google Doc version of September Newsletter
September 2024
Dear 2nd Grade Families,
The school year is off to a great start. We are enjoying building our classroom community and establishing routines.
Math: During the month of September we will finish Unit 1 of Everyday Math and begin Unit 2. Unit 2 includes developing strategies for adding and subtracting within 20. We will also be using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Students will practice fact fluency and recall to help solve multi-digit problems.
Literacy: Unit 2 is all about looking at how characters in folktales respond to challenges. We will use what we learn to create a guide showing how to solve different kinds of problems.
Writing: In Unit 2 we will write an essay in which students give their opinion of the main character in the fable. Their opinion will be supported with reasons from the text. Including:
an introduction that states your opinion;
reasons for your opinion using information from the selection;
a concluding statement that is related to your opinion.
Social Studies/Science: Our new science unit has just started. We are beginning with how living things depend on their habitats and how structures and behaviors of specific plants and animals help them survive in a given habitat.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL): We will focus on managing distraction, building a growth mindset, and goal setting.
Lesson 1: How to Get Good at Something. In this lesson, your child will learn that their best skills have developed as a result of practicing, trying hard, and asking for help.
Lesson 2: What Mistakes Tell Us- in this lesson, your child will learn that mistakes tell us something’s not working and that they can respond to mistakes by asking for help, trying again, or making a small change to keep going.
Gifted and Talented Universal Screening: In Adams 12 Five Star Schools, 2nd and 6th graders who are not already identified GT participate in the Universal Screening process for potential gifted and talented identification. Find more detailed information regarding Universal Screening in the Five Star District.
GT Extension: We will be providing deeper thinking activities and challenging extension activities around math and literacy. These activities will be infused throughout the entire school day. We will also be using Building Thinking Classrooms to think about and explore problems in new ways.
Important Dates:
-September 2nd: Labor Day - No School
-September 3rd: No School- Teacher Workday
-September 5th: Vision and Hearing Screening
-October 3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences (3:15pm-7:45pm)
-October 10th: Parent Teacher Conferences (3:15pm-7:45pm)
-October 14th-18th: No School- Fall Break