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January 2025
Dear Third Grade Parents,
Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope that everyone had a wonderful and relaxing winter break. We are excited to be back at school and marching on through
the second half of the year. Below is important information regarding
academics and important events during this next month. Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Melissa Kundrat, Elizabeth Garren and Bridget Keefe
Third Grade, Coyote Ridge Elementary School
Math: We just started unit 5, in which we will be working
toward developing our understanding of fractions. We will
explore ways to name fractions, how to represent
fractions, equivalencies within fractions and how they can
be used as a way to name a collection. We will also
continue to work on building our understanding of
multiplication by working toward fact fluency and build
upon our strategies to solve unknown problems.
Reading: We will begin unit 5 this month. Unit 5 will focus on nonfiction texts about advancements in technology and the value of innovation. Students will read informational texts and biographies about inventors and learn about technological innovations and inventions. While reading, students will be practicing important skills, such as identifying cause and effect, reviewing text features and comparing information across texts.
Writing: In writing, we are wrapping up our narrative writing where students are writing from a character’s perspective. Afterwards, students will be writing opinion essays about kids using a technology of their choice. They will give their opinion about a technology that kids have access to, and give research-based evidence to prove their opinions about kids using these technologies.
Social Studies/Science: We are currently finishing a social
studies unit on investigating geographic problems. Then,
we will start our next science unit which focuses on
forces and interactions. In this unit, students will explore
balanced and unbalanced forces, patterns of motion, and
design problems that are solved using magnets.
Important Dates:
No School (MLK Day): January 20th
No School (Teacher Work Day): February 3rd
Mid-Winter Break (No School): February 17th-21st