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CRE Weekly Newletter Jan. 24


CRE Weekly Newletter Jan. 24


Dear Coyote Ridge Community,

Happy Friday!

Annual Panorama Survey

You should have received a link yesterday to access our school’s annual Panorama survey. We appreciate your feedback!


Lunch/Recess DJ

One of the offerings that we have on the Coyote Cart is the privilege to be the lunch/recess DJ. The student DJ has been back in action for a few grade levels this week and it has been so much fun!



I hope you can join us, in person, for our rescheduled PTO meeting at 8am on Tuesday, January 28th @ 8am in the cafeteria. This was rescheduled from our late start day last Tuesday. Abbey Young, our Social Emotional Learning Specialist, will be sharing more about our responsive Social Emotional Learning work here at CRE.


Coyote Showcase!

We hope that you can join us for our school talent show on Wednesday, January 29th @ 6pm here at CRE! It is sure to be an exciting night.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


In partnership,

Carolyn Webb, Coyote Ridge Principal
