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CRE Weekly Newsletter Dec. 19


CRE Weekly Newsletter Dec. 19


Dear Coyote Ridge Community,


Happy Friday! It has been a short, but exciting week at CRE as we prepared to wrap up the semester and head into our winter break. There were a lot of exciting events and activities along with a lot of holiday cheer.


Student of the Month: Kindness

Congratulations to all of our students who showed an extraordinary amount of kindness during the month of December. Students were recognized on the morning announcements and received a (coveted) necklace to proudly showcase here at school. Congratulations to our December kindness winners!


Spirit Week

Thank you to student leadership for organizing our spirit week this week! Fun was had by all!



Door Decorating Contest

Our annual door decorating contest was a blast. Classrooms went all out this year with some very creative and fun decorations. Check out our winners: Ms. Kundrat (3rd), Ms. Garren (3rd) and Ms. Toyama (5th)!



Arrival/Dismissal Safety

Please re-read (below) our arrival and dismissal procedures, as we have had a few safety concerns over the past few weeks. I truly appreciate everyone’s support, patience and cooperation as we safely get students in and out of the building each day.


From all of us here at CRE, we wish you a wonderful winter break with your family and friends. There is no school, tomorrow, December 19th- we will welcome you back to Coyote Ridge on Tuesday, January 7th. We will miss you!


In partnership,

Carolyn Webb

Coyote Ridge Principal



Safety Information 

(Please re-read this even if you’ve been a part of our learning community for a while!)

Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. It is imperative that students are dropped off no earlier than 7:35 a.m. and picked up at 2:35 p.m. daily. 


  • Do have your kids ALL ready to go when you are at the front of the school
  • Do pull all the way forward to the end of the kindergarten playground, all the way
  • Do wait until you’ve passed the fire hydrant to let kids out of the car
  • Do keep the line tight. The more cars we can empty at a time, the faster it goes for all
  • Do have your kids exit from the right side of the car
  • Do exit by turning right out of the parking lot even when no one is coming (even one left turning car can dramatically slow the line; plus, it's illegal to turn left during the specified times)
  • Do feel free to park if there are spots open, but you won't be able to exit until after the second bell rings and Hug and Go is cleared (cones will be placed on the north exit side of the lane). You may re-enter the line on the South side of the parking lot. Please do not re-enter the line where students are getting out of cars, this is a safety issue
  • Do be respectful and courteous of all people in the parking lot
  • Patience is key
  • Do stay off your cellphone while in the parking lot
  • Do share the rules of the road with your friends and caregivers. Let’s work together!
  • Please help us to keep our kids safe during this high congestion time.

Parking on the Street

•  You may park along the east side of Broadlands Drive to drop your child safely on the sidewalk and then they may walk into school.

•  Please do not drop your student on the west side. It is not safe for them to cross the street.

•  You may also park along Maroon Circle and students can walk down the sidewalk directly to the school crosswalk.

The Bus Lane

•   The bus lane is only to be used for students who have been directed by staff to arrive and dismiss there and any students utilizing the buses.

Students must use the crosswalks before and after school. Students may enter either the front or the back of the building in the morning. Students crossing at the entrance of the parking lot will instead be directed down the sidewalk to the crosswalk located at the center of the parking lot. Here they will cross safely with a crossing guard. Parents and students need to walk their bikes through the crosswalk.


Hug-and Go Lane

· You may pull through the hug-and-go lane after school to pick your child up in front of the school.

·  Please pull all the way forward to allow additional cars into the hug-and-go lane.

· Do not park your car or leave it unattended while in the hug-and-go lane, it is designated for continuous traffic flow. When a vehicle pulls out, pull forward to fill that space.

· You may only make a right hand turn when leaving the parking lot. 


- Please use the center crosswalk when leaving at the end of the school day to avoid excess traffic at the corner as cars leave the lot

Parking on the Street

· You may park along designated areas on Broadlands Drive or any adjacent street and walk over to pick up your child.

· Please use the crosswalks in the center of the parking lot and adhere to the direction of the crossing guard.

School Security System - In our ongoing efforts to provide the safest and most secure environment for our students, an additional security measure has been installed, which requires the following safety measures. 

● ALL exterior doors will be locked at all times. 

● Please do not open the door or hold the door open for others. 

● In order to enter the building, you will need to press the button located on the brick wall inside the front vestibule.

● An office member will release the doors, allowing access to the building. 

● Once entering the building, ALL visitors must check in at the office, show ID, and obtain a visitor pass. 

● If you would like to wait with your child before school or wait for your child after school, you will need to wait outside.

Bathrooms are not open for use after students have been dismissed, as this creates confusion for our BASE staff in being able to determine where students need to go.

New Club


Dungeons and Dragons Club begins in January for grades 2-5.

Character sheets will be provided, or we will help you make your own! 

No D&D experience necessary

Signup sheets will be in Friday folders this week.

