CRE Weekly Newsletter Jan. 10
Dear Coyote Ridge Community,
Happy Friday!
We have had such a wonderful week back at CRE! As much as we all love a break, we also love getting back into our rounties and back to our special CRE learning community.
As the weather gets colder, please be aware that we can not monitor students on campus until 7:35. Please do not drop students off prior to this time. We open both the front and back doors right at 7:35 to welcome students into the building.
I recognize that you were very likely ready to have your kiddos back with us on January 6th, but with the absence of students we were able to engage in some really meaningful professional learning as a staff. We spent time examining our current instructional practices in writing, while creating a new process for planning and internalizing writing lessons before they are taught. Next week our School Accountability Committee will accompany me into some classrooms to observe this new process in practice. I am excited to be able to share and showcase the wonderful things that our teachers do everyday to foster responsive learning environments that meet the diverse needs of our CRE students.
Spelling Bee
This week our 4th and 5th grade finalists participated in our annual CRE Spelling Bee. I am excited to announce that Eva Tatarenko is our winner and Travis Plowman is our alternate! Congrats! Eva will go on to represent CRE at the Adams 12 Bee!
Talent Show
It's time to sign up for the annual Coyote Showcase. ALL acts are welcome and encouraged. Rehearsal is on Tuesday, January 28th starting at 6:00. The Showcase is on Wednesday, January 29th starting at 6:00 with participants arriving at 5:30. Sign up at Coyote Showcase 2025 and all questions can be directed to
Student of the Month from December- Kindness!
I wanted to be sure to get out this picture of our December kindness student of the month winners, which was inadvertently left off the last December newsletter. Congrats to these amazing students who showed an extraordinary amount of kindness in December!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In partnership,
Carolyn Webb, Coyote Ridge Principal
Makerspace is looking for donations of wrapping paper and small appliances or things that students can take apart. No televisions please.