CRE Weekly Newsletter Oct. 11
Dear Coyote Ridge Community,
Thank you so much to our PTO and the snack donations from families that kept us fed and sustained at conferences. PTO provided dinner for both of our late Thursday nights and family donations allowed for plenty of snacks to be enjoyed over the past week. We appreciate your kindness and generosity.
It’s been such a fun spirit week at CRE! I saw a lot of teacher look-alikes around the school, a lot of teams represented, some great CRE spirit and Aloha vibes today. Thank you to our student leadership for planning this fun week.
3rd Grade Performance
Thank you to Ms. Harris for all of your hard work, dedication and patience putting together our 3rd grade student performance, “Journey Into Outer Space”! It was such an amazing performance and it has been so exciting to see the hard work students put into rehearsals come to fruition today. Great job, 3rd grade!
Shortly after our fall break next week, we will host one of our most exciting community events of the school year, Falloween! Falloween is coming on Friday, October 25th right here at CRE from 6pm- 8pm. At Coyote Ridge, rather than having class Halloween parties, we celebrate together at this fantastic community event. Be looking for more information and opportunities to help in upcoming PTO communication.
You are invited to view our costume parade outside of the school on Thursday, October 31st at 8am. Parents are invited to line up on the blacktop behind the school beginning at 7:50am, with the parade beginning promptly at 8am. At the conclusion of the parade, students will engage in a full day of learning in their classrooms. We kindly ask that parents not enter the building after the parade. Students will remain in their costumes for the school day, so please do not send your child to school in a costume that is going to be a distraction throughout the day. I have included our district policy about Halloween costumes below, please pay close attention to this and make sure that your child’s costume adheres to district policy. Please remember, we need to be able to see your child’s face all throughout the school day. We look forward to seeing you at Falloween on October 25th and at our outside parade on October 31st.
Coyote Cart
All students had an opportunity to spend their hard earned Coyote Cash at the Coyote Cart today. Thank you to our parent volunteers who support our PBIS program, we appreciate you!
Adams 12 Cross Country Races
Congrats to all of our Coyotes who trained for and participated in the Adams 12 Cross Country Races! We are so proud of all of you. Check out some of our winners:
4th Grade Boys 1st Place Overall!!!
4th Grade Girls 4th Place Overall
5th Grade Girls 6th Place Overall
5th Grade Boys 3rd Place Overall
Zachary Markey (2nd Place Finisher)
Bennett Schwulst (8th Place Finisher)
Brayden Jantz (10th Place Finisher)
Kayla Pozzi (6th Place Finisher)
Kieran Geary (5th Place Finisher)
Dance Arts Studio Performance
Today, our students were treated to a performance from Dance Arts Studio and it was such a fun way to end the week. There was even a CRE alumni in the performance! The theme of the performance was “Magic Treehouse”, ask your child about it!
As a reminder, there is no school next week for Adams 12 Fall break. We hope that you are able to enjoy the fall weather and extra time with your families. We look forward to welcoming you back to Coyote Ridge on Monday, October 21st.
In partnership,
Carolyn Webb
Coyote Ridge Principal
Adams 12 Halloween Guidelines
Costumes that would violate District Policy 5060: Student Dress Code are not permitted. For safety reasons, masks or makeup must not cover the student's face in a way that makes them unrecognizable.
The following are not considered appropriate for school or school events:
-Costumes that are too graphic, promote violence or that could logically be offensive to others.
-Costumes that are suggestive and that would otherwise violate the school's dress code
-Costumes with sound effects, lights or other components that will disrupt the learning environment in the classroom
-Costumes that could be considered insensitive to various races, cultures and religions.
-Toy or replica weapons of any kind are not permitted (guns, knives, swords, bats, etc.) in a manner that is not in alignment with District Policy 5060.
-Costumes that may be potentially harmful to the educational or school environment.
In accordance with District Policy 5060, school administrators may ask students or participants to change into school-appropriate attire and/or remove masks, makeup, or costumes.
Picture Retakes
School picture retakes are coming! Attached is a PDF of our school’s RETAKE Picture Day Flyer.
The PDF is hyperlinked, click anywhere on either page and it will take you directly to the online ordering page.
You can also order online by going to and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: C737)
Retakes are for absent students, new students, students who want to purchase, and students who want a retake. In order to get a retake replacement package, students must return their original package of photos.
If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at