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March Newsletter 2024


March Newsletter 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians - 

I am proud to share on behalf of all the Coyote Ridge staff, our recent awards from the Colorado State of Education. Based on our CMAS results from this spring, we received the John Irwin Award and the Colorado Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award. The John Irwin awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional academic achievement over time, while the Improvement Awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional student growth. We were one of only three schools in the entire district (of over 50 schools) to receive both awards. 

These results would not be possible without the collaborative effort of teachers addressing grade level standards and monitoring student progress during the school year. Teachers also consistently adjust their instruction based on student needs and provide support or extensions accordingly. 

This work is further supported by other professionals at our school with the goal of meeting the needs of every student at Coyote Ridge Elementary. 

Results like these help assure us we are on the right track and that we are making a difference in terms of educating our students. As always, we appreciate your support to help us attain this level of excellence.

I am excited to see how we perform on the state assessments next month. As a school staff we are confident that we will continue to see impressive results from our students. 


Dr. Mike 
